Monday, 12 February 2018

The Top 7 Essential Oils for Self LOVE and Acceptance

Welcome to the month of LOVE.
It seemed fitting, for the month of February, to share my top 7 essential oils for loving yourself and truly embracing the Devine feminine that you are.

When you use the finest vibrational essential oils in alignment with our loving goddess intentions, affirmations and mantras there is something incredibly magical that happens.

The frequency of that oil, (sourced sustainably and ethically with the greatest care through our process) ignites with the frequency of your thoughts creating a powerful interaction, fortifying your vision.

You can use Young Living essential oils in so many incredibly versatile ways, adding them to your smoothies or food creations as pure flavours with health benefits, inhaling straight out of the bottle for an instant uplift, by diffusing in your home or by using them topically through a sensual massage, in your skin care and even your personal care products.

Essential oils are naturally empowering, protective, cleansing and are a powerful tool to have in your daily life tool kit.

So what are the greatest oils for self love and acceptance?

1. Joy
Did you know that over 25 years ago, our Devine JOY essential oil blend was actually named LOVE blend. This phenomenal blend consists of such a delicious aroma that is perfect for any women as a perfume or an addition to any morning routine such as in a bath and shower gel base. I use JOY essential oil every morning when I jump out of the shower, applying it to my breasts, on my heart chakra and even on my beautiful belly. Joy was created by measuring the MHz of humans that were in a joyous state...... aligning the plant MHz with human MHz. Consisting of oils such as bergamot, lemon, ylang ylang, rose, geranium and jasmine to name a few, I believe JOY is the oil for epic self love.

As you apply your Joy oil you could affirm "I am overflowing with joy, vitality and energy - I am unstoppable!"

2. Sensation
What can I say, this blend is pretty sensational!
Incredible in the bedroom or the bathroom, when you add this blend to your daily routine, it's bound to be a super sensational day. Add to your moisturiser, make up a massage oil (or get your hands on YL sensation massage blend), diffuse in the bedroom or in the bathroom during your morning shower.

As you apply this luxurious oil you could affirm "My body is sensational, my mind is focused and creative, my heart is overflowing with peace and my soul is soft and tranquil"

3. Acceptance
About 4 years ago I delved into Louise L. Hay's inner self love and acceptance mirror work. Safe to say that this daily practice totally transformed the way that I looked at myself, the way that I talked to myself and the way that I saw myself in society. 
YL Acceptance blend is another floral fragrance blend, straight from Mother Earth, that really allows you to accept all that is and where you are in your journey. It enables feelings of self love and self worth to flow freely over your gorgeous body. Containing many powerful oils such as frankincense, Sandalwood, geranium, rose, coriander, citrus, Davana and German chamomile, this blend will leave you feeling grounded, worthy and fulfilled. This blend stimulates the mind, compelling us to open and accept new things, people or relationships in life allowing one to reach a higher potential. May also help overcome procrastination. 

As you apply to your chosen area you could affirm "I love and accept myself. I acknowledge my own self worth and my confidence is soaring."

4. Sacred Mountain
A sacred blend that contains ylang ylang and conifer essential oils that evokes a sense of serenity, tranquillity and peace. I apply this oil before I meditate, if I am surrounded by vibrant kids at a park  or if I am in crowds or on public transport. It teleports me into a safe, sacred mountainous haven and it smells delicious so great as a perfume or in the diffuser while working on your sacred business ideas.

Instil strength, empowerment, grounding and protection with the spiritual feeling of being in a sacred environment. 

As you apply or diffuse you could affirm "I am safe, protected and strong. I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen because I know that everything is towards my highest good."    


5. Progessence Phyto Plus
Featuring the exquisite oils of frankincense, peppermint and other essential oils that help women find the balance that nature intended. Enhancing moisture and smoothing the skin, this pioneering blend works wonders with our body loving on our hormones and centring our emotions. Perfect for those who have given birth or anyone over the age of 35 years old. 

I apply this morning and night to my wrists, neck or thighs. Another yummy earth perfume without the synthetic fragrance that cause havoc to our endocrine system.....

As you apply your could affirm "I am a sexy sassy goddess who is in alignment with her Devine Feminine power. I am centred, I am balanced and I am patient and calm."

6. Lady Sclareol
An alluring and delightful new blend from Young Living. Perfect perfume to wear infusing into your delicate system, to empower women to step into their feminine nature. Strikingly soothing, calming and relaxing this girly blend will help you navigate your way into the self care zone and enrich your life in many wonderful ways. Your thoughts create your reality, so use your thoughts wisely.

While rubbing this blend into your chosen areas, you could affirm "Love is my birthright. I am a manifestation of this love. I am loving and loved by many."

7. Forgiveness
The uplifting, fresh and comforting aroma of forgiveness aids in supporting the ability to forgive yourself and others while letting go of negative emotions, enhancing personal growth and self acceptance. Containing unique essential oils like Melissa, Angelica, Jasmine, Helichrysum and Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. This oil enhances self love when you release, let go and forgive. 

May help release hurt feelings, negative emotions and memories and move past emotional barriers to attain a higher awareness.

As you apply your forgiveness essential oil you could affirm "There is no love without forgiveness and there is no forgiveness without love. I truly Love and forgive myself. I am aligned with my heart, soul and truth."

I hope you have enjoyed learning about the top self loving and accepting oils that Young Living offer. Enhancing, elevating and empowering. There is nothing quite like the quality and the purity of these pristine oils, gifts from our farms to your home. 

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Don't have your own oils yet?
In a few easy steps you can click your way to your own collection. And get started on your own oily adventure.

Young Living essential oils are truly transformational and will ignite your heart is so many wonderful ways.

Why choose Young Living?

From paddock to plate.
From crop to cup.
From seed to seal.
There is no other like it. 

Experience our farms first hand and be apart of the healthy living process.
Take control of your families wellness needs naturally and shine your light bright.

Happy Love month! 
Lets make everyday, a day to celebrate our love and acceptance for self. 

Love and JOY,
YL Silver Leader 1090238
Phone 0405377298

Be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Facebook - Naturally Joyous 



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