Re post from 2012.... Amy Joyous - Naturally Joyous.
Have you ever heard of OIL PULLING?..... weird I know.
The scientist in me just had to give it a go!
I have learnt so much about the amazing health benefits of coconut oil since I started using Coconut Magic's oil. After trying 2 other brands I really wouldn't bother with any others, this is absolutely beautiful coconut oil. Subtle flavour, clean, crisp, fresh and pure. No overpowering, burnt coconut smell in my cooking or on my legs.....
Did you know that coconut oil can help you loose weight, whiten teeth, restore healthy hormone function, beautify your skin and hair, balance blood sugar, eliminate food cravings, strengthen immune system, improve digestion, increase your energy and detox the body! Remember oils ain't oils and quality is everything!
So I have done some research on the humble coconut and came across oil pulling. As soon as I read detox and whiten your teeth I thought, yeah right that sounds ridiculous!! I'm going to do it!.
Oil pulling is an ancient form of Ayurvedic medicine which dates back thousands of years.
All you have to do is put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth (and an essential oil if you wish, I have used lemon and frankincense!) and swish it around for about 15mins... I do this first thing in the morning while I'm getting my girls breaky or having a shower. Zola and Indie both look at me with a smirk and Zola asks "mummy have you got coconut oil in your mouth? Can I have some" and of course I smile and go over with a teaspoon for both of them...
Make sure you don't swallow it as the oil is supposed to draw all of the toxins out of your body up through the cheeks in your mouth, therefore cleansing the body, and allowing it to heal itself. After the 15 minutes spit it out. As a consequence health problems of all types improve. Oil pulling can help those with asthma, allergies, chronic fatigue, diabetes, migraine headaches, PMS, and chronic skin problems.

According to Bruce Fife, the first thing that most people notice when they start oil pulling is an improvement in their oral health. Teeth become whiter, breath becomes fresher and the tongue and gums take on a healthy pink colour.
Did I feel any difference?
Amazingly..... YES!!!......
After about 2 or 3 weeks of doing it nearly every morning I totally noticed the difference! My teeth where actually whiter, I had more energy, felt more positive and my body was detoxing (I could tell as my underarms took on a different smell)
So I challenge everyone, do give OIL PULLING a go!! Its great, its harmless and it works!
Thank you for taking the time to nourish your body with me :)
Keep smiling brightly!
Joyous Health and Harmony
Essential Oils Desk Reference 2009
The Low Glycemic Effects of NingXia Wolfberry by Dr Mark Schreuder
Oil Pulling for a Brighter Smile and Better Health by Bruce Fife
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