Over the last few years people have said to me... Oh essential oils are beautiful but think they are just a luxury.....
Well, I don't agree... and here's why I believe:Young Living essential oils are not just a luxury BUT an absolute necessity! It's all about living a high quality, healthy and safe lifestyle!
Essential oils are in everything - well, fragrances or compounds DERIVED from plants are in absolutely everything, however in this form they can be potentially toxic. In their natural state, medicinal essential oils, herbs and plants are safe.
- it's about time everyone heard the truth about the fragrance industry, the antibacterial hand wash industry, the air freshener industry, the perfume industry, the cleaning industry.....
It just bows my mind what these huge well known companies (that advertise on TV daily) put in their products for us all to consume, smother over our bodies and give to our kids. Why wouldn't we trust these commercials?
These man made synthetic fragrances are making us sick. That is the truth.
- hormonal imbalances, who knows someone with thyroid issues these days?
- they can create overweight issues - obestrogens!
- they can create neurological disorders
- they can create unnecessary cancers
- unnecessary liver damage
- some chemicals mimic estrogen....
There is so much mind boggling scientific evidence that we cannot just put our heads in the sand anymore.
These man made industries are worth billions even trillions of dollars, they are laughing... Do they care? Who knows....
Do they use there own cheap harmful products on their families, there own kids, I wonder?
In the USA, the air freshener business is a 1.72 billion dollar industry!!!
And the detergent industry a whopping 30 billion dollar industry!!!
The man made ingredients that they are creating 'derived straight from nature' are cheap imitations, they are chemical components of essential oils that are copied and patented... you cannot patent nature, hence the huge industry that has been created.
I do believe that the conventional medicine and pharma industry's have created amazing things... Some antibiotics have been life saving, some surgical procedures are phenomenal.
Man has been incredibly clever over the years.... However have we gone too far with everyday house hold and personal care products...... I believe we have.
The baby product industry is one of the worst out there..... One brand here in Australia that most hospitals recommend.... You know who they are..... baby shampoo, baby soothe bath, baby oil..... Seriously? Check out all of the harmful chemicals under the ingredients list, just for our precious babies...
Straight out of the womb and into the toxic tub...
It's so important now, more than ever before, that we all become more aware of this! Did you know that everyday there is a whopping 4,000 new man made chemical substances added to products each day.... EACH DAY!!!
I am not just talking about human health here, lets think about our environment, our animals who don't have a say. The entire planet earth.... There is now evidence of mutagenic species... In the everglades in Florida, crocodiles are both male and female due to the high amount of toxic synthetic substances in the water.....
For us humans, degenerative diseases are so common, it's a huge problem, however we all can make a difference. We are conscious consumers and we are blessed to be able to choose what is right for us. Let us all ask more questions and seek the truth.
People have said to me, Amy, don't be silly it's only a little bit, it won't hurt...
Well, that little bit builds up gradually over years, this is called bioaccumulation. Bioaccumulation within our fat cells, blood and bones... Over years this accumulates and may cause all sorts of unbalance within our bodies, which in turn effects our mental state and our spirit. One of the first organs to show signs of ill health is the liver. When the liver becomes over burdened, it can show many different signs from allergies to asthma, eczema, a mystery illness, or worse a degenerative disease.
I have found it incredibly empowering, since becoming more aware of the impact that we are having on our society, our children's future, the environment, Mother Earth, our brilliant blue ocean..... our entire planet.
In America, 89% of the 'natural green' products are not really green?!? There are a whooping 17,000 chemicals used as trade secrets in the green cleaning industry!!!!
So, unfortunately when the label boasts things like 'eco, green, organic, earth friendly, sensitive, dermatologically tested, pure'............... This can be just a sign of extremely clever marketing, turn the product over, read the ingredients list..... and if they don't even list the ingredients, stay clear :)
The power of one:
"I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything but I still can not refuse to do the one thing that I can do.... We can all make a difference, and cause a ripple effect all over the world!" Connie McDanel, Young Living Educator.
What is a better choice?
What is a great solution for our homes, our bodies, our kids, our schools and our earth???
Well, if you are looking for a company that has EVERYTHING covered... check out Young Living! They work synergistically with our precious earth, they are sustainable, work with local communities, kind to the planet, a full disclosure company, and full of amazing education. They ultimately provide WELLNESS, PURPOSE and ABUNDANCE in many amazing forms.... more family time, optimal health, opportunities to see the world and financial independence. Gary Young, the founder of Young Living has even opened two schools in Ecuador to help give kids a better chance in life.... how awesome is that?

MY FAVOURITE ECO HOME PRODUCTS: Stimulating and Spicy :)
Thieves House Hold Cleaner is an amazing product:
^^Pure plant based ingredients
^^Synergistic blend of Thieves is immune boosting and effective against pathogens, consisting of multiply oils with multi components therefore no resistance developing from viruses and bacteria.
^^You will save money.
^^Preventative against degenerative diseases.
It's all about consumer awareness and choices... Be a part of the change!!!
No more endocrine disruptors messing with our precious bodies, think of our lakes, our rivers, our animals.... Our precious plant... WE DON'T NEED TO USE THESE UNNECESSARY CHEMICALS ANYMORE!!!
My mum has said to me in the past when I have screwed my nose up at the commercial liquid washing detergent she has used 'oh Amy, I used the same when you were little and you turned out alright'. Well, yes mum, but just reminding you of the 4,000 new man made chemicals, that are being introduced on a daily basis!!! My parents didn't have these chemicals 'back in their day'.
Being a mum of two adorable little girls.... do you see why I am so passionate?
--:So here are my:- -
Top 10 Crazy Chemicals to Ditch from Your Life:
1. Sodium lauryl sulphate - (maybe petroleum/palm oil derived) Found in toothpaste, whitener, facial cleanser, body wash, shampoo, foundation, carpet cleaner, carwash. Potential effects: Can penetrate skin and accumulate in vital organs, suspected liver toxicity, cause various skin conditions..... Why is it used? Its nice and foamy!
2. Propylene glycol / Polythylene glycol - (Petroleum derived) Found in moisturiser, shampoo, hand cream, soap, cleanser, food and pet shampoo. Potential effects: respiratory, immune and neurotoxicity, sensitization, eczema, etc... Why is it used? It softens the skin.
3. Fragrance/parfum/fragrant oil - Mostly synthetic. Found in most cosmetic products and household products. Can even be found in products labelled unscented or fragrance free. Potential effects: Allergic reactions, asthma, suspected neuro and immune toxicity. Why is it used? Deodorant, masking, perfume.
4. Triclosan - (Petroleum derived) restricted in cosmetics in Japan and Canada. Found in liquid hand soap, hand sanitiser, facial cleanser, toothpaste, deodorant, dish washing liquid, pet shampoo. Potential effects: Gets absorbed and piles up in our bodies, where it may disrupt our hormones. Skin, eye, lung irritation, allergic reactions, wildlife and environmental toxicity, suspected skin, sense organ and immune toxicity... maybe contaminated with other dangerous chemicals. Why is it used? As a deodorant or preservative.
5. Aluminium compounds - Found in lots of cosmetics, personal care, sun screen, foods and vaccines. Potential effects: Suspected respiratory, liver, musculoskeletal and neurotoxicity!! Aluminium alters the function of the blood brain barrier. Various functions including anticaking and viscosity controlling.
6. BHA - (Petroleum derived, banned in the EU) Found in lipstick, lip gloss, lip liner, moisturiser, eye shadow and food! Potential effects: Recognised carcinogen, wildlife and environmental toxicity, suspected respiratory, liver, endocrine, immune and neurotoxicity.......... Why is it used? Antioxidant and masking.
7. Oxybenzone - (Petroleum derived, restricted in Japan). Found in lip balm (*as a teenager, how many times did you put lip balm on your lips? Me about every 30 mins!!), fragrances, moisturiser, anti aging, sunscreen, lipstick, paint and pesticides.
Potential effects: suspected kidney and liver toxicity, absorbs through the skin, produces damaging reactive oxygen species upon exposure to sunlight, associated with endocrine disruption, wildlife and environmental toxicity!.... Why is it used? It's a UV filter and UV absorber... (yet, it produces free radicals on exposure to sunlight?!?)
8. Sodium fluoride - (Banned in oral products in Canada!!!). Found in breath freshener, tooth whitener, mouthwash, toothpaste, glue, adhesives and insecticides.
Potential effects: dental fluorosis, bone cancer, bone fractures, osteomalacia, suspected cardiovascular, respiratory, developmental, liver, musculoskeletal and neurotoxicity. Why is it used? For anti plaque and oral care :/
9. Methyl/Propyl-paraben - (Petroleum derived). Found in facial cleanser, anti-aging, foundation, shampoo, conditioner, lip gloss, mascara, moisturiser.
Potential effects: Sensitisation, interferes with gene expression, suspected endocrine disruptor, skin irritation, contact dermatitis, wildlife and environmental toxicity. Why is it used? Preservative.
10. Phthalates - (some banned in cosmetics in the EU, may be petroleum derived). Found in nail polish, hair spray, body lotion, perfume and detergents.
Potential effects: Suspected endocrine, liver, kidney, reproductive, developmental, immune and neurotoxicity, wildlife and environmental toxicity, linked to birth defects and damage to male reproductive system. Why is it used? It's a plasticiser and solvent.
**Alcohol (Denatured) - steer clear of this one too......
**Alcohol (Pure) is regarded as safe...........
Does that make you curious as to what you have in your house? Jump up and check out some of your products :)
So what on earth do I use? I hear you say :)
Well, Young Living essential oils has everything covered... from plant based medicines, first aid (bring fever down with peppermint oil) to toothpaste and even dental floss, shampoo/conditioner, face scrub, moisturiser, pure perfume, synthetic free nutrition, energy bars, pet care, emotional and physical wellbeing.... there is as they say an oil for everything :) We all need to use these everyday things, so why not use the best in world.... share them with your friends and get them for free!
“Young Living offers health solutions found nowhere else on earth. These essential oils truly represent the new frontier of medicine; they have resolved cases that many professionals had regarded as hopeless.”
Terry Friedmann, M.D.
Cofounder of American Holistic Medical Association
Love making your own stuf?
Even my four year old can do it, with my guidance of course!!!!
These amazing oils allow you to make your own personal care products, make your own plant medicines (the original chemical components), make your own first aid, make your own flavourings, make your own fresheners, make your own cleaners...... We are all conditioned to have so many individualised cleaners, we don't need this..... We don't need a shower cleaner, a separate fridge cleaner, oven cleaner, wonder cleaner, floor and wall, bench top, basin, stainless, marble, granite and wooden cleaner....
If you don't know who Young Living are, you better start learning ;) They are growing faster than an F1 race car :)....... During the 'financial crisis' they grew about 47 % and grow more and more every single year. With such incredibly pristine products and beautiful life values, it's really no surprise. It's exciting, an honour and a privilege to be a part of such a high quality, prestigious and empowering company like Young Living. Their core values are to help and give to people so that they too can experience their best life ever.
For me I have never been happier. To know that I have found my niche, my passion and my calling. I have never felt so healthy, fit and vibrant and it makes you want to jump out of bed each and every morning, because you never know whose life you are about to transform next..... If this also resonates with you, then I urge you to take the plunge and do it. You will never look back!!
Young living essential oils, nutritional supplements and personal care products are straight from the plant, nothing added, nothing taken, therapeutic, safe and more of a necessity than ever before.
I will leave you with a quote direct from the father of inspiration and motivation, Dr Wayne W. Dyer, straight from YL Convention 2013. He uses Young Living essential oils every day, buys about 12 bottles of rose oil a month and rubs JOY on his chest before bed every night!!!! He uses them to increase his vibrational frequency and energy field.
"What Young Living is doing is going to alter and shift the state of consciousness of our planet" - Dr Wayne W. Dyer.
Want to be a part of this incredible shift?

Connect with me:
I love feed back, comments and questions! Write some magic below!
Phone Amy on 0405377298
Naturally Joyous - Earth Conscious Medicine
Educate :Empower :Change Lives
CD: Thieves, What's at stake - Connie McDanel
The Chemical Maze; 10th Edition. Bill Statham
Cliff Winkleman; Nutrition Lecture, April 2013CD: Cleansing of the liver, Dr Gary Young.
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