Monday, 19 March 2012

Make your own MILK!!!

Beautiful Fresh Almond Milk made by you!!!

On the weekend, I was asked to represent Young Living at a local event, in Sandgate.
Its was an absolutely LIFE Transforming event : hosted by a husband and wife team (Kristine and Wayne Matheson) who have both overcome cancer. They empower others towards living a life full of natural health, happiness and longevity. Using a plant based lifestyle, RAW foods as their medicine and incorporating fitness and meditation into their daily lives to achieve optimal health. A truly inspirational couple who have brought me one step closer to my naturally healthy and abundant lifestyle.

That is the reason I finally made my own milk...... (and I'm not talking breast milk :) ) I have been contemplating it for awhile now, sometimes we all just need a little push in the right direction.

Last year I began to stop drinking cows milk, my main reason was that I felt sluggish and not quite right after drinking it and I also started reading more and more about the dairy industry which just turned me off dairy milk altogether!

For instance did you know, according to Animals Australia that "To keep producing milk for human consumption, a dairy cow must produce a calf each year..... Calves are taken from their mothers within 12-24 hours of birth. If nature was allowed to take its course—calves would suckle from their mother for several months, even up to a year. Mother cows, like most mammals have a strong maternal bond." 

I know that I would be absolutely guttered if some random just came in and took my girls off me straight after going through all of the emotional and physical exhaustion of child birth... why do humans have the right to do this to animals? It's pretty terrible!

Did you know that: MILK depletes the CALCIUM from YOUR BONES!!!

According to Vivian Goldschmindt who has studied Nutritional Science and Biochemistry;

Many scientific studies have shown an assortment of detrimental health effects directly linked to milk consumption. And the most surprising link is that not only do we barely absorb the calcium in cow’s milk (especially if pasteurised), but to make matters worse, it actually increases calcium loss from the bones. What an irony this is!

Here’s how it happens. Like all animal protein, milk acidifies the body pH which in turn triggers a biological correction. You see, calcium is an excellent acid neutraliser and the biggest storage of calcium in the body is – you guessed it… in the bones. So the very same calcium that our bones need to stay strong is utilised to neutralise the acidifying effect of milk. Once calcium is pulled out of the bones, it leaves the body via the urine, so that the surprising net result after this is an actual calcium deficit.   

Wow how many parents know that? We were all introduced to it by our parents, a cup of milky goodness, its known to be comforting and filling..... why, our parents taught us, they learnt from their parents and their parents and their parents....

Well, here is a great alternative that is oh so easy, healthy for kids and yummy.....
100g of almonds = 300ml of calcium

Almonds have so many amazing health benefits, they contain absolutely no cholesterol, have high levels of Vitamin E, contain magnesium, potassium, folic acid, zinc, phytochemicals, selenium, copper, biotin, riboflavin, niacin, and iron, making them a true nutritional powerhouse!


All you need is:
1 cup of Raw Almonds (organic if possible)
Soak overnight
3 cups of filtered water
I vanilla pod
Stockings from wooleys..... cut from about the knee..... (of course you can use a proper nut bag, however I am yet to purchase one!!)

Add the one cup of soaked almonds to your blender, add the 3 cups of water, blend.

Pour blended ingredients out into stocking, I found it easier folding it over the juice container to separate the milk from the almond pulp.

Pull the almond pulp stocking out of the container and squeeze remaining milk out of stocking.

Place milk back in the blender and add the vanilla pod seeds (you can also add raw agave or maple syrup if you are a bit of a sweet tooth) and blend for a second!
I can not wait to  try cinnamon and nutmeg essential oils too!

And Voila!
Here is you Fresh Home Made Milk... made with LOVE!

This morning I made a smoothie out of mine;
Banana, Balance Complete (a daily super food & nutritive cleanse from Young Living), Maca powder and maple syrup....

Hope you all enjoy making your own milk, give it a go and tell me what you think :)
Well, it's time to go and pick up my gorgeous gals!
Untill next time, smile often,

Joyous Health and Harmony,

Naturally Joyous Oily Mama

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