Monday, 25 May 2015

Raw Garlic Naan

Aggghh Garlic bread........

Ok so how good is a yummy buttery steamy bread with loads of garlicy goodness!!!

I love garlic bread however not a huge fan of the ingredients that are in most shop bought garlic breads... preservatives, emulsifiers etc... And my little gals don't really have much bread these days... they love wraps... future garlic wraps maybe :) 

Thank you to the incredibly inspirational RAW foodies Marcus and Cara (if you don't know who they are you have to check out there amazing you tubes and Marcus's empowering life changing books Type into google garlic naan recipe to find a You Tube by Cara.... from their new raw recipe book 'Love on a plate'.  Of course I have added YL oils to the recipe to add some more zing.........

Introducing the new re vamped... Raw, Vegan, Gluten free and wheat free version.

If you are keen to crack open a fresh coconut or two then you will enjoy creating this nourishing raw vegan version of the much loved italian classic!

☆Raw Garlic Thyme Naan:

2 cups coconut meat

3/4 cup onion

2 or 3 tablespoons of spring water

1 drop YL thyme oil 

Sea salt


For Top:

Fresh Parsley 

Fresh chopped garlic 2 bulbs and small amount of onion

Blitz all ingredients in blender

Put baking paper over dehydrator tray
Sprinkle with olive or almond oil
Spread out blitzed mixture
Sprinkle and top coconut mixture with parsley garlic and onion
Add some more olive/almond oil (you can add the thyme oil into these oils if you with) and salt/pepper to taste Place in dehydrator for about 2-4 hours..... 
Flip and dehydrate for another 2 or 3 hours...

Why us a dehydrator?
Because any baking that you do in the oven over 45 degrees C kills the living enzymes present in whole foods.

YOU will be so super surprised how light fluffy and tasty this handy savoury treat is... Great with dips and crackers, with a curry or rolled with any filling!!!
RAW Coconut garlic Naan is now one of my fav snacks to nibble on.
(beware if you leave it in the dehydrator to longer... it will turn into a garlic cracker!!)

Are you going to try this amazing vegan version?
Tell me what you think? 
If you would like to get your hands on some delicious edible earth oils.. to use in your kitchen creations like basil, coriander, lime, tangerine, lemon and nutmeg!

Connect with me via Amy 0405377298  or message below 
Creating conscious consumers and communities

Joyous Health and Harmony,
Young Living Educator 1090238

DIY Whipped Lemon Delicious Body Butter

Lemon delicious whipped body butter
(This is totally scrumptious!) 

1/4 cup Shea butter 

1/4 cup coconut oil 

2 table spoons almond oil 

YL lemon essential oil (about 8-12 drops) ☆

Melt ingredients together except for the essential oil...
Set melted liquid in fridge to cool down for 2 minutes add essential oil then pour in blender to whip.....
Blitz together and fold through.....

Voila ○○● 
Enjoy with or without your soul partner. 
Perfect for dry winter legs, arms and elbows!

Store in a cute container and give as gifts 

Amy Joyous
YL member 1090238
Naturally Joyous

These are from my own personal  experiences with Young Living..... and those from our 
Joyous team.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Vibrant Families

Essential oils for Vibrant Families

Last month, for the first time in years I read my local newspaper "Caboolture News" and as I read a certain article I could feel my heart skip a beat for this beautiful young couple with a gorgeous little girl who had consistent tonsillitis.... occurring every three weeks. My heart goes out to families who experience continuous health concerns with no real answers or results...
My thoughts and eagerness to help this couple in some way were persistent and strong... as the whirlwind of ideas and 'what ifs' spiralled around in my mind. Hmmm I wonder what else they have tried..... and I wonder if they have heard of therapeutic grade YL essential oils.

So this blog about re occurring dis-ease and tonsillitis is for you.... the couple on the front cover from Narangba waiting for surgery or a better solution for their precious creation.

I am a firm believer that if conventional medicine isn't working, if you are experiencing the same outcome over and over again then why not try something else? A different solution perhaps? One that has no side effects or full effects on the rest of our body.
Being a mother of two daughters myself I feel for families like these parents in the paper who have to give their little one antibiotics every three weeks.... with the same results..... a continuous re occurrence.

It is so super important to feed, nourish and protect our precious immune system...  especially with the cooler weather when we often eat for comfort and warmth.
Along with nutrition, active living and being around positive influences it's great that we now have extra earth tools to use first hand at home as a preventative and protector for our mind, body and spirit.

The plant kingdom continues to be the subject of an enormous amount of research and discovery....  well it is really a rediscovery. Everyday thousands of people are feeling self empowered and experience amazing results with mother natures gifts to us.

Essential oils have been around for donkeys years right... The Ancient Egyptians were masters when using essential oils and other aromatic compounds. Many hieroglyphics on the walls of Egyptian temples depict the blending of oils and describe hundreds of oil recipes.

It is only recently that essential oils have made a massive comeback with a huge impact on families and lives all over the world. What a beautiful blessing. Essential oils are HUGE right now... DIY, clean eating, chemical free living, becoming more self sufficient and kinder to our precious planet. Most of us know the extraordinary health benefits.... we just need to find the highest quality oils on the planet to help with this world wide wellness revOILution that is taking place.

Young Living essential oils are extraordinary - they are the real deal and they are the world's purest oils. Quality is the most important thing especially when you are using oils on your family, their skin, internal organs, in their food, for first aid and health care. I have been living the YL lifestyle for over 6 years now and I am thrilled to say that I haven't been to a doctor since I gave birth to my second daughter almost 5 years ago.... I truly believe in the power of prevention. Which includes illiminating unnecessary chemicals in homes, body products and following a whole food, active and kind lifestyle... The YL Lifestyle works perfectly.

So we have the best of the best oils..... now its time to read, educate, empower ourselves and others...

One of the best resources out there for essential oil amazingness is called the Essential Oil Desk Reference.
This is the 'bible' of essential oils and if you are serious about natural health, changing and transforming your life, your families and friends then get your hot little hands on a copy... available at or it comes in the full version at $98, mini version $37.95.

So what do we know about tonsillitis?

The tonsils are infection-fighting lymphatic tissues (immune cells) that surround the throat. When these become infected with streptococcal bacteria they become inflamed, causing a condition known as tonsillitis.

It became popular in the 1960's and 1970's to have the tonsils removed when they became infected. However, tonsillectomies have become much less frequent as researchers have discovered the important role that tonsils play in preventing and fighting infectious diseases and optimising immune response.

The pharyngeal tonsils located at the back of the throat (known as the adenoids) can also come infected - a condition known as adenines.

First recommendations from the Essential Oils Desk Reference:
Clove, tea tree, Thieves blend, inner defence supplements
Single oils to try: Golden Rod, oregano, ravensara, thyme
YL Blends: Melrose, ImmuPower
Topical Treatment: Thieves Antiseptic Spray

EO application Method:
Ingestions with Rice milk or tea spoon of honey. 2-4 times daily.
Oral; on tongue 2-6 times daily or as often as needed
Gargle 4-8 times daily.
Topical: Dilute 50:50 apply 1 to 3 drops to throat, chest and back of neck through out day.
Apply oils to feet (Vitaflex Points) through out the day.

Nutritional support; NingXia Red, high in B and C vitamins.

Young Living provides us with a variety of solutions, we just have to try different oils or supplements to see what best suits us!

References - Essential Oil Desk Reference, Fourth Edition 2009

Here is a delicious recipe to try:
Warm Lemon, Honey and Thieves drink that is great for the whole - food family :)

Juice of 1/2 a lemon
1-2 tsp of raw honey
Mix with very warm water (not boiling) and add a drop of Thieves essential oil.
(use a tooth pick, dip in top of oil bottle and swirl into lemon drink for kidlets)
Add apple cider vinegar and lemon oil to taste

Hope you are all keeping warm and rugged up... and found some inspiration within these words.

YL gives families the opportunity to become more self sufficient in a naturally healthy way.

Would you like to have your own family oils?
And become a wholesale member?
It's easy ask me how today.

Creating conscious communities and fabulous families!

Happy Mothers Day to all your magnificent mamas out there!

Joyous wellness,
Amy Joyous
Phone 0405377298
YL Educator 1090238