Intrigued by the wonderful world of Young Living medicinal essential oils?
Plant based, synthetic free, toxic free, high quality, whole food living is becoming increasingly popular as most of us are opting for the simple lifestyle, well aware of what unnecessary chemicals can do to our bodies.
Young Living essential oils allow us all to be self sufficient and environmentally conscious. Find ways to enhance your health, care for your loved ones and increase your immune system in this well detailed book written by 7 passionate and caring ladies... who love living an aromatic lifestyle.
- Learn how to create a relaxing atmosphere, using only essential oils and a diffuser
- Make cleaning an art instead of a chore
- Create simple remedies for woman's health, immunity and mood
- Make your own beauty products for your skin type
- Connect with your emotions using a simple ritual
- Make simple and healthy recipes for babies and children
- Use essential oils with your pets!
Buy your copy today: $24.95 (includes postage within Australia)
Phone Amy on 0405 377 298
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